Why am I writing this blog?

Well I've been on this 'verse for a while, making friends, finding my way into various corporations and all this has lead to plenty of humour, making decent living and found an interest in mining. But along this path I've also made enemies, been through wars and got shot at plenty of times. And each time, I've learned something new, something that's pushed me through and onward. But it seems that there is an endless suply of information and things to be learned about the 'verse and how to survive in it. And it's mostly this that keeps pushing me forward, the endless encounters (both good & bad), new people, new things to learn, well to put it short: The EVE-universe is an endless random encounter.

So basically this blogg is about my story in the 'verse, my experiences, ups and downs, what ever crosses my path that's worth writing about and sharing it with you. If this turns out to be only me writing all this down and noone reads it, then so be it. I'll still carry on.

And I found the timing to create this blog as I just recently changed corporations, new stuff happening and I kinda felt the urge to tell someone about it.

So welcome any readers who might stumble across this thread.

Sitt down and enjoy my story, Tash's Story.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

WAR !!

War never changes..

May it be over land, resourses or just because of power, or because a few people randomly select a person who had looted their wreck that was floating in space, the reasons are many, but the outcome is the same, bloodspill and death.

Yes, even in the EVE-universe there is war and though we live somewhat isolated from the other galaxy with our POS in the wormholegalaxy. War still can find it's way to you, like it or not. Well we had some action at the start of the war, but since we had wrong intelligence about our enemy, we only tried to awoid them in the future. Mainly because we lost a few ships to them and thought they had remote assistance from corporations outside the war. We later learned that this was an isolated incident and that this corporation who was helping to remote repair the ships in combat, was just some people fooling around. But that lead us into believeing that they had friends and fought the war "dirty", but smart.

Well, we mostly hid in our wormhole system, but it soon got infiltrated by an enemy scout, thought it didn't do anything other than annoy us. We tried a few times to engage it in combat, but it slipped away each time.
Do believe that we engaged them a second time, but mostly to see who their support ships wer, so we could avoid them and try to track down eventual spies. But the war ended after only a week of fighting.

So peace has yet again fallen upon our wormholesystem and we can return to our daily business'. But I'm really training up my combat skills for our next battle. Who know when a corporation or alliance decides to declare war against our corporation. But this time, I'm a bit more prepared...

.. I hope.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Communications disruption!

Today we finally got communications back up with the factories on planet Ducatillon 9 (named after our CEO). There's been some damage to the whole factory complex aswell, due to an unexepected hurricane in the region. It hit hard, and there's been reports of injured workers, as well as more than 100 workers either missing or being killed during this hurrican named Godfrid sweeping across the area where this enourmous factory complex that is located on Ducatillon 9. But production is back to almost 100% despite the damage, due to temporary emergency androidworkers transported to the site. The following image was shot from one of the orbital weather satelites when the storm hit the area.

Operation Sleepless

Last night was time for our first raid against the Sleepers ancient ruins in Zaniverse. We were 3 pilots total involved in this operation, and hope that more of us will be awailable from other duties during this weekend. Blue Yarrick, Lance Ducatillon and me formed the attack force and my two androids formed the salvaging squadron. We had a tactical meeting before this whole event, discussing different attack aproaches or should we just scout them out and see if it's worth while attacking at all? Well we finally got plans in order and headed out towards the first called "combat" site that was probed out earlier before planning.

We attacked with full force and at first it was going well untill Blue Yarrick was suddenly attacked by reinforcements and had to pull out! Things started to get rough, but me and Lance managed to turn the tide a little bit when we finally struck a critical blows to the defence towers. These down and the return of Yarrick, now with recharged shields, started really turn the battle to our favour. (You can see in the picture from my external hull mounted camera how Lance strikes down one of the defence towers.) Despite further reinforcements arriving from an unknown source, we manage to win this battle without any losses. With good teamwork and good tactics, we won this small skrimish and there was plenty of work for the salvage squad, who were still waiting for the green light at our station. So we re-arm our ships, make a quick check and everyone gives the thumbs up for our next combat site. We head in and once again and emerge victorious, a bith tougher, but no casualties, so all's well. We keep doing a few more operations and then then it's a few drinks at the bar in the station, untill we all head to our quarters for some good earned rest! But the fight is not over yet, there's more to do and it's going to be a long weekend, more combatsites to raid.


It's been a few days since my last update, but there's been a lot of work in Zaniverse lately and I've really not had the time to write. So, now I'm finally getting a few moments of piece and quiet, so I can write about Zaniverse itself. You've propably wondered where this system is, since it's not in any systemcharts. Well to speak out the truth, this system is a wormholesystem and the only reason I can talk about this, is because my CEO's given me clearance to talk about it.

Yeah, we're living in a wormhole and it sure is a challenge. It's a little bit different to normalspace living, since you really can't be that safe in the system, since you never really know if there might have opened another entrance from another normalspace system or from another wormholesystem. So you'll always have to be on your guard, but it's mostly quiet, just us doing our various opreations and task in the system. It's hard work and full concentration when being inside it, sometimes there's the random sleeper encounters, alien ships that "guard" the system, an ancient race that's long gone from this other galaxy, but left it's defence grid up as a mark of their legacy, and our Zaniverse system is right in the middle of this legacy, in this other galaxy. Many poeple refer to these systems as "Wormholesystems" as they're linked to EVE-galaxy by wormholes, but they're just systems in another galaxy that we've gained acces to through wormholes. Well, what ever they're called, we call our system for Zaniverse.

Living in there is great, but every now and then one needs to leave for small errands into the EVE-galaxy, usually personal stuff, but sometimes to buy something we can't make in the Zaniverse, and sometimes just to get out from there. Even though we have a few settled planets, they're mostly settled by workercommunities, but there are a few resorts to relax at. But there's still a lot of small things you can't do here, and one is to never really relax fully. You need to constantly watch your back, even though we're rather safe inside the forcefield at our spacestation, one still feels being watched. I think it has to do with the ancient race that once ruled over these wormholesystems, this other galaxy. So far only a few scouts from this Sleeper-race has been encountered in our system, though none of them has ever made it back to report their sightings, but they're acitivity has increased slightly. Might be that the ancient race is slowly awekening as more capsuleers poke into the ancient ruins and destroy these Sleeper ships, the ones that have awakend from their long slumber, for components to sell on the market. Well I can't say that we don't do this sort of business, it's too lucrative to not do it. It has has also brought large technological breakthroughs through out the EVE-universe and given us Tech 3 ships as one of the examples. We might awaken something more horrifying than we'd ever imagine or we might be looting an ancient races remains. Only time will tell how this'll affect us in the end. Only time will tell.

But how ever things might be, it's always good to get out of Zaniverse from time to time. Even though I concider it my home in the 'verse.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Corporation Overhaul

Well it's finally over, the last transports have moved from Zan Industries HQ in Zaniverse to Inner Sphere Industries HQ in the same system. And we've been working almost round the clock to get things right and moved them from point A to B. Many capsuleers involved in this process, mostly transporting goods from one place to another. Had a few laughs aswell, well not so funny for Anarith, since it was his two ships that were lost in the transaction process. Well small losses concidering what we moved all in all.

But now that we've moved to the new location within Zaniverse, a nice view of planet Hoth aswell, it has come down to making some ISK. Me and my CEO Lance Ducatillon wen't on a trading run to Jita, more or less the largest trading hub in the 'verse, with well over a billion in ISK in our cargoholds together! Just to make sure to see that the low-sec gates were clear of pirates, wouldn't want to loose any of our goodies, I send out Aloh'ro ahead to scout the gates. There really is no trouble since he's cloaked in his Covert Operations Buzzard (Stealth Frigate), and he got through the low-sec gates quite easy and then we headed after him with our small trading fleet. As we reached high-sec space, one could sense that everyone relaxed a bit and I send Aloh'ro back the way we came. Well to be honest, we got lucky this time. Had we waited for 5 more minutes we'd be caught in a 13 ship gatecamp, all with massive negative standings, they've most likely set up the camp just minutes after we jumped through the gate, though Aloh'ro made it through and back safe, mostly because of his stealth frigate. You need a bit of luck every now and then to survive, ofcourse your skills and planning play a huge part in survival aswell, but one can never have too much luck. The rest of the trip was just smooth sailing in our boats going to Jita as a fleet.

Well trading's done, now to get back to Zaniverse and I'm glad I have the intel that I gained from Aloh'ro, so I know there might be a possible gatecamp along the way. Well after a few drinks in the local bar with Lance and his crew, we discussed this possible threat. We decide to steamroll straight through it, in hopes that the gatecamp would be gone by now. The high-sec system ride is a smooth as ever, but when nearing the low-sec systems, I sense that I'm a bit nervous. I'm worried, as I'll most likely be running for me life in me Bustard.

My heart started pounding just when I hit the first lowsec system, as I knew what might be ahead. As I neared the gate where the pirates had camped, my heard punded quite a lot, but it wasn't panic, it was exitement, enticipation. When the ship started slowing down, coming out of warp, i felt a sudden calm, I was holding my breath, ready to react to anything. As my boat finally exit the warp and jumped back into realspace, looking at my ships overview as it was updating. Staring at it and at the same time waiting for my jump clearnce from my nav computer, suddenly the overview update blinked "Updated complete" and.. nothing! The gatecamp was gone, I could breathe out, I could relax a little, it felt like it would have taken for ages, like in slow motion, but all that just happened in a few seconds. I now had my clearance and jumped through the gate and reported to the rest of the fleet, that was running behind me, that the gates were clear. A succesfull traderun to Jita and back, no losses and a good ISK turnout for all players involved in Zaniverse and we also brought back some much needed suplies.
So a good day for all of us and I got a small adrenaline rush aswell. Always feels good.

My androids, the other me's

Well since I've talked about my other me's, my androids, I thought it might be good to post a picture of each of my creations and that you can get a refferance on whom I'm talking about.
They are really easy to handle, total obidience, not questioning my commands at any time, but since they're androids of such quality, they do cost me quite a lot to maintain, but without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. They really help me in everyday life in the 'verse and who knows, maybe there'll be more in the future.

This is the first android I created, originally a hauler, nowdays he helps me mine the belts and is currently being skilled towards production.

Name: D'yanoi
Role: Mining & Hauling
Future roles: Production

My second creation after I learned the benefits of leadership skills.
He's the one boosting the operations with almost perfect mining bonuses and later on hopefully I get him to become my fleet commander and more combat oriented leadership bonuses.

Name: Sa'cea
Role: Minin Foreman
Future roles: Combat Leader, Fleet Command.

So far the last of my creations, a fully trained probing pilot. To seek out hidden combat site, gasclouds, wormholes or hunt down a ship hiding in a system.

Name: Aloh'ro
Role: Probing
Future roles: None at the time.

How it all began a while ago.

This is basically the beginning, when I first launched out of the Caldari Academy, a fresh capsuleer, ready to explore the mysteries of the great void. I had my mind set on mining, to strip the orebelts, to grind the ore into minerals and then making a finished product that someone would then buy. The innitial dreams I had were these, but I soon had to face the reality of the hard living in the 'verse. Where a pirate fleet could suddenly raid your safe high security solarsystem, where you thought you'd be safe, only for the Concord to react too late at your disstress call.

So joining a corporation would be a good thing, gain new friends and the other capsuleers in the corporation could help me out in various task, should it be mining, running missions or something else, usually for a shared fee. If they'd not be busy doing something else that is. But I had my mind set on making it on my own.

Well it all started of at a good pace, heading to the 'roid belts and mining the 'roids for ore that would be sold to the market. I soon found out that doing this alone is rather quiet, not much happening really. Gradually increasing my wallet, but it sure was a slow process. There were skillbooks to be paid for, learnings to be downloaded and the necessary implants to augment my skills further. All this ofcourse cost a lot of ISK, so time would pass on without really making any progress. The biggest concernt was the waste of time when you need to fly back to the station and unload your full cargo hold, the docking clearances, waiting for slow docking procedures, unloading and then getting clearances to get out from the station again. Really saw the loss of ISK in all this wasted time.

So my thoughts started to grind on an idea, taking form slowly and suddenly it just popped into my head. "If I'd be mining and someone else would haul it for me!" Almost said it out loud. Well there's the corporation thing again, didn't really feel ready for it at the time, and I'd need to share my profits with the other capsuleers that would participate with me out at the belts. So I approached the problem from a different angle. Androids! Clones of me that would obey my commands, not wanting anything in return, just doing their jobs without question. And the ISK made would go straight in my wallet, sounding a bit greedy here, but I had my plans and wanted to try and make it on my own.

So about halfway through finishing the first android, I got approached by another capsuleer while out mining. Asking me for a conversation, sure I thought, let's see what's on his mind. He introduced himself as Valicore and without further delay, he tossed me the question: "Would you like to join Fusion Fleet corporation?" At first I was about to reject the invitation straight away, but I gave it a bit of thought and eventually said to my surprice: "Yes." I was a bit stunned by my reply, but also a bit happy. I had to agree that it was a bit boring being out here in the 'verse alone, no one to share your thoughts with, no one to have a good laugh with. Well, not to mention the usual nights in the bar, having a few drinks with the other strangers, also trying to make it in the 'verse. But they were no friends of mine. They were just random strangers, some of them I would see or meet again, but for me, they were just strangers.

Once I had applied and been accepted to the Fusion Fleet corporation, only consisting of 4 other members, I introduced myself and started to get to know the other capsuleers. The corporation not being that big suited me quite well. Felt kinda good to be part of something. Valicore being a good CEO, he'd show me a few tricks and skills in the field of mining he'd picked up along the way, good to learn new things. The others in the corporation were also fellow "lone" miners who the CEO had offered a position within the corporation, like collecting stray dogs and giving them a roof over thier heads.
It didn't take long before we started doing mining operations together, making more ISK than I did alone. I also saw the benefits of leadership skills, these skills being plugged into the fleetcomputer and handing out bonuses to increase our mining performance. This also gave me an idea of making a second android after I'd be done with my first one. A leadership android, only learning the arts and skills to boost my mining skills.

This was good. Really good for a long while. My androids finished, D'yanoi and Sa'cea, I had learned new skills and I had new goals. And I saw them all happen in this new corporation that was slowly growing as other capsuleers joined. But war broke out between us and another corporation, we eventually emerged victorious as we gained support from a another corporation, fighting by our side against our common enemy. This was my first real combat experience and also realized the fact that I had to train for combat, improve my skills and thus began to stray of my mining path. The corporation eventually started falling apart, one capsuleer went missing, haven't seen him since, lost somewhere in the 'verse. The others moved on, but I decided to stay. My good friend Valicore was taking a break from the CEO role, left the corporation and went on his own path, so suddenly I was all alone again. Well not completely alone, had my two androids with me. But still, back at where I started.

I eventually followed the others, leaving Fusion Fleet, joining in with my former corpmates in Zan Industries. That lead me eventually into the solarsystem we named Zaniverse. We who found this system and the ones being active in it, have now broken away from Zan Industries, forming the new corporation Inner Sphere Industries and that pretty much put's me where I am today. A Mining Director within this new corporation, with capsuleers I now can call my friends. A lot has happened within my time in Zan Industries aswell, but that'll be for another time.

Me and my now three (had to create a probing android named Aloh'ro) androids forming the bulk of the mining fleet in Inner Sphere Industries.
Living in Zaniverse solarsystem.
My first true home in the 'verse.
