Why am I writing this blog?

Well I've been on this 'verse for a while, making friends, finding my way into various corporations and all this has lead to plenty of humour, making decent living and found an interest in mining. But along this path I've also made enemies, been through wars and got shot at plenty of times. And each time, I've learned something new, something that's pushed me through and onward. But it seems that there is an endless suply of information and things to be learned about the 'verse and how to survive in it. And it's mostly this that keeps pushing me forward, the endless encounters (both good & bad), new people, new things to learn, well to put it short: The EVE-universe is an endless random encounter.

So basically this blogg is about my story in the 'verse, my experiences, ups and downs, what ever crosses my path that's worth writing about and sharing it with you. If this turns out to be only me writing all this down and noone reads it, then so be it. I'll still carry on.

And I found the timing to create this blog as I just recently changed corporations, new stuff happening and I kinda felt the urge to tell someone about it.

So welcome any readers who might stumble across this thread.

Sitt down and enjoy my story, Tash's Story.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My androids, the other me's

Well since I've talked about my other me's, my androids, I thought it might be good to post a picture of each of my creations and that you can get a refferance on whom I'm talking about.
They are really easy to handle, total obidience, not questioning my commands at any time, but since they're androids of such quality, they do cost me quite a lot to maintain, but without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. They really help me in everyday life in the 'verse and who knows, maybe there'll be more in the future.

This is the first android I created, originally a hauler, nowdays he helps me mine the belts and is currently being skilled towards production.

Name: D'yanoi
Role: Mining & Hauling
Future roles: Production

My second creation after I learned the benefits of leadership skills.
He's the one boosting the operations with almost perfect mining bonuses and later on hopefully I get him to become my fleet commander and more combat oriented leadership bonuses.

Name: Sa'cea
Role: Minin Foreman
Future roles: Combat Leader, Fleet Command.

So far the last of my creations, a fully trained probing pilot. To seek out hidden combat site, gasclouds, wormholes or hunt down a ship hiding in a system.

Name: Aloh'ro
Role: Probing
Future roles: None at the time.